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​My basic belief is that the most important thing in business is to take care of my clients by solving their problems and protecting their interest.


I have spent my life in the construction business. In the past 33 years, I have seen people taken advantage of by unscrupulous contractors and shoddy workmanship. Too many owners are plagued by the continuation of problems after the job is completed.


As founder of Thoroughbred Consultants Group aka TCG Architects, LLC, my goal was to set new standards of excellence in the evaluation, design and construction management of commercial and historical building restoration and renovation.















My goal has always been to anticipate and avoid crises, to protect the owner’s financial interest, and to plan thoroughly with proper design and realistic timetables and budgets.


As an independent architecture and construction management firm with no ties to manufacturing or contracting companies, we utilize freedom and creativity in an open approach to management and direction of our services.


Clients can be assured that we do not sell them anything. We are not a product company; we are Service Company that helps you understand and eliminate problems.


I have gathered a core of experts to form an outstanding Building Renovation team. Each person on my staff has worked professionally in the contracting business. Our collective level of expertise allows us to anticipate and to fulfill the requirements associated with any restoration project. Based upon in-depth knowledge and understanding of each facet of a project, our clients can depend on us for the highest standards of excellence.


I like to describe TCG Architects philosophy simply. Each building has its own set of needs. Each owner has a set of priorities and a budget to be met. The true satisfaction comes in completing each project with diligence and professionalism and in enhancing the aesthetics of a building. We will continue to make this the trademark of our work at TCG Architects.

Ted Castellanos

President and CEO

TCG Architects, LLC

Thoroughbred n.
Quality, Excellence and Grace

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